100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "tail"


The verb tail means to follow or pursue someone or something closely, often in a secretive or stealthy manner. It can also refer to the act of attaching or connecting something to the end of another object.


  • Follow
  • Pursue
  • Chase
  • Shadow
  • Track
  • Dog
  • Stalk
  • Monitor


  • Lead
  • Forge
  • Abandon
  • Ignore
  • Disregard


  1. The detective decided to tail the suspect from a distance.
  2. After the meeting, I noticed someone was tailing me to my car.
  3. The cat will often tail its owner around the house.
  4. We need to tail the delivery truck to ensure it arrives safely.
  5. He was careful not to tail anyone while jogging in the park.
  6. She felt uneasy knowing someone was tailing her.
  7. The police were instructed to tail the known criminal.
  8. During the hunt, they would often tail the deer until they caught it.
  9. The journalist decided to tail the politician for a story.
  10. I often tail my friends when we go shopping to help them carry bags.
  11. The dog loves to tail its owner wherever they go.
  12. They had to tail the suspect without being noticed.
  13. He likes to tail his favorite band on tour.
  14. The spy had to tail the target discreetly.
  15. She would often tail her brother to see what he was up to.
  16. The crew was instructed to tail the ship at sea.
  17. I could feel someone tailing me during my walk home.
  18. He decided to tail the bus in case he missed it.
  19. The child would tail her mother in the grocery store.
  20. They had to tail the car from a safe distance.
  21. It’s not polite to tail someone without their consent.
  22. The film showed how the private investigator would tail clients.
  23. I could see a car tailing us in the rearview mirror.
  24. The officer was assigned to tail the suspicious vehicle.
  25. To gather evidence, they had to tail the suspect for weeks.
  26. She felt paranoid being tailed by a stranger.
  27. The research team needed to tail the wildlife for their study.
  28. It’s illegal to tail someone without a valid reason.
  29. The drone was used to tail the convoy.
  30. He managed to tail his favorite athlete at the event.
  31. To find the truth, they had to tail the leads carefully.
  32. The raccoon would tail the campers looking for food.
  33. She couldn't shake the feeling of being tailed while walking home.
  34. The kids would often tail their parents when they were out.
  35. He tried to tail the car without drawing attention.
  36. The team had to tail their competitors during the tournament.
  37. It was thrilling to tail the celebrity for a day.
  38. The cat would tail the mouse until it caught it.
  39. The assistant's job was to tail the executive at events.
  40. They had to tail the lead actor for a behind-the-scenes piece.
  41. It’s easy to tail someone on social media these days.
  42. The security team was instructed to tail the VIP.
  43. As a child, he loved to tail his older siblings.
  44. The investigator needed to tail the suspect without being detected.
  45. The wolf will often tail its prey in the wild.
  46. She decided to tail her friend to learn more about their secret.
  47. The hiker had to tail their group closely in the dense forest.
  48. To catch the thief, the officer had to tail him for hours.
  49. The journalist used a camera to tail the celebrity.
  50. He would often tail the latest trends in technology.
  51. The police were trained to tail suspects without being seen.
  52. The children would tail their parents during shopping trips.
  53. The spy was skilled at tailing targets without detection.
  54. She felt like she was being tailed as she walked home.
  55. The bird would tail the worm, waiting for the right moment.
  56. The car seemed to tail us the entire way back.
  57. The athlete had to tail the competition closely to win.
  58. The dog loves to tail the kids when they play outside.
  59. He decided to tail the group to find out what they were planning.
  60. The detective used a bicycle to tail the suspect discreetly.
  61. She would often tail her friends when they went out for coffee.
  62. The cat would tail the laser pointer around the room.
  63. He had to tail the shipment to ensure it arrived on time.
  64. The children would tail behind their parents during the parade.
  65. I noticed someone tailing me while I was walking downtown.
  66. The wildlife photographer had to tail the animals for the perfect shot.
  67. She was determined to tail her favorite author at the book signing.
  68. The app allows users to tail their favorite celebrities.
  69. The dog instinctively wanted to tail the family wherever they went.
  70. The team was told to tail the rival team during practice.
  71. He felt uneasy knowing he was being tailed.
  72. The officer had to tail the suspect through busy streets.
  73. The documentary showed how they would tail wildlife in their natural habitat.
  74. The kids loved to tail their parents when they went on adventures.
  75. The athlete had to tail the leader to stay competitive.
  76. The drone was able to tail the car without being seen.
  77. They needed to tail the leads to gather more information.
  78. The cat loves to tail the laser dot around the floor.
  79. He decided to tail the group after noticing something suspicious.
  80. The team had to tail their opponents to learn their strategy.
  81. The kids would often tail their favorite characters at the amusement park.
  82. The private investigator's job was to tail clients discreetly.
  83. She tried to tail her friends but lost them in the crowd.
  84. The dog would tail its owner during the evening walks.
  85. The journalist was able to tail the politician for an exclusive interview.
  86. He often felt like he was being tailed by someone from work.
  87. The children loved to tail their grandparents around the house.
  88. The spy was trained to tail a target without being detected.
  89. It was fun to tail the parade floats during the festival.
  90. They had to tail the necessary equipment to the site.
  91. The team needed to tail the competitors to gauge their performance.
  92. The dog had an instinct to tail the scent of food.
  93. She could feel someone tailing her as she walked through the city.
  94. The wildlife researchers would tail the animals for data collection.
  95. The car behind us seemed to tail us every time we turned.
  96. The athlete knew he had to tail the leader to win the race.
  97. The detective's job was to tail the suspect day and night.
  98. The kids would always tail their parents during holiday shopping.
  99. He was careful not to tail the wrong person in the crowd.
  100. The cat would often tail the dog, thinking it was playtime.