100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "valance"
Valance is a verb that refers to the act of assigning or relating to a particular value or role, often used in the context of chemistry to describe the combining power of an element, especially in terms of its ability to bond with other elements.
- Bond
- Connect
- Link
- Relate
- Associate
- Separate
- Disconnect
- Divide
- Isolate
- Detach
- The chemist had to valance the compounds carefully to ensure a successful reaction.
- In her research, she needed to valance the different variables accurately.
- The artist chose to valance the colors in her painting to create a harmonious effect.
- It is essential to valance the risks before making a major investment.
- The team will valance the findings from the survey to draw meaningful conclusions.
- He managed to valance his personal life with his professional commitments.
- The teacher began to valance the students' performances to award the top prize.
- She struggled to valance her emotions during the stressful meeting.
- The new software can valance various data sets for better analysis.
- They decided to valance their goals with the company's mission statement.
- The architect will valance the materials used for the construction.
- We need to valance the pros and cons before making a decision.
- The musician wants to valance the melody with the lyrics perfectly.
- To maintain harmony, it is crucial to valance different opinions within the team.
- The botanist had to valance the species according to their ecological roles.
- The director will valance the scenes meticulously in the final cut.
- He tried to valance his studies with his extracurricular activities.
- The scientist worked to valance the isotopes in the sample.
- The writer will valance the themes throughout the novel.
- It is important to valance the budget with the project requirements.
- The committee needed to valance the feedback from the community before implementing changes.
- In chemistry class, we learned how to valance different elements.
- The conference will valance various topics related to environmental sustainability.
- The coach aimed to valance the team's offensive and defensive strategies.
- She sought to valance her ambitions with her personal values.
- The project manager had to valance the timeline with the available resources.
- As a designer, she must valance aesthetics with functionality.
- The survey results will help valance our marketing approach.
- The professor will valance the research contributions of each student.
- In the presentation, he had to valance facts with anecdotes.
- The scientist's goal was to valance theoretical models with experimental data.
- The team worked hard to valance creativity with practicality.
- She needed to valance her priorities to focus on what mattered most.
- The government will valance the economic policies with public opinion.
- The advisor's role is to help valance educational opportunities with career goals.
- The technician had to valance the equipment settings for optimal performance.
- The meeting aimed to valance different solutions for the issue at hand.
- The council plans to valance urban development with environmental conservation.
- The curator will valance the artworks in the exhibition thoughtfully.
- In sociology, it’s important to valance cultural influences on behavior.
- The mentor's advice was to valance passion with practicality.
- The novelist seeks to valance character development with plot progression.
- During the debate, they tried to valance emotion with logic.
- The analysis will valance income levels with educational attainment.
- To achieve balance, she had to valance work and leisure time.
- The researcher aims to valance historical context with modern implications.
- The author will valance humor with serious themes in the story.
- The chef worked to valance flavor profiles in the dish.
- The organization must valance its mission with community needs.
- The environmental study seeks to valance human activity with ecosystem health.
- The designer will valance comfort with style in the new collection.
- The team leader decided to valance individual talents with group dynamics.
- He learned to valance his ambitions with realistic expectations.
- The physicist sought to valance theoretical predictions with experimental results.
- The committee will valance the suggestions from the public forum.
- The therapist helped her valance her feelings about the breakup.
- The marketing strategy needs to valance engagement with conversion rates.
- The artist will valance traditional techniques with modern concepts.
- The study aimed to valance youth behavior with social media usage.
- The manager had to valance team goals with individual aspirations.
- During the workshop, participants learned to valance creativity with discipline.
- The finance team will valance expenses with revenue projections.
- The historian worked to valance different perspectives on the event.
- The project will valance innovation with user needs.
- The analyst will valance market trends with consumer behavior.
- The student learned to valance academic responsibilities with personal interests.
- The consultant helped valance risk management strategies.
- The panel discussion aimed to valance theory with practice.
- She sought to valance her lifestyle choices with health considerations.
- The report will valance quantitative data with qualitative insights.
- The architect will valance aesthetics with structural integrity.
- In negotiations, it’s vital to valance interests with compromises.
- The director had to valance budget constraints with creative vision.
- The scientist needed to valance hypotheses with experimental evidence.
- The educator aims to valance curriculum standards with student engagement.
- The study will valance technological advancements with ethical considerations.
- The team leader will valance performance metrics with employee satisfaction.
- The artist tried to valance realism with abstraction in her work.
- The training program seeks to valance skills development with career progression.
- The policy will valance economic growth with environmental sustainability.
- The project aims to valance community needs with available resources.
- He worked to valance innovation with practicality in the startup.
- The facilitator will valance discussion points with participant feedback.
- The coach’s focus was to valance teamwork with individual talent.
- The festival will valance entertainment with cultural enrichment.
- The researcher will valance theoretical frameworks with empirical data.
- The event planner aims to valance fun activities with safety protocols.
- The curriculum will valance academic rigor with student interests.
- The entrepreneur sought to valance risks with potential rewards.
- The teacher aimed to valance discipline with encouragement.
- The strategy will valance short-term gains with long-term objectives.
- The artist’s goal is to valance technique with expression.
- The scientist will valance biological processes with ecological impacts.
- The review process should valance thoroughness with efficiency.
- The journalist works to valance facts with compelling narratives.
- The conference will valance academic research with practical applications.
- The discussion aims to valance optimism with realism.
- The planner must valance urban growth with infrastructure needs.
- The workshop will valance knowledge sharing with skill-building.
- The novel seeks to valance historical accuracy with engaging storytelling.