100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "vernalize"
Vernalize (verb): To subject plants or seeds to a period of cold or chilling temperatures in order to induce flowering or germination, mimicking the natural winter conditions that trigger the growth cycle of certain species.
- Cold stratify
- Chill
- Refrigerate (in a botanical context)
- Harden
- Induce flowering
- Dormant
- Deactivate
- Suppress
- Delay
- Hinder
- To ensure the tulips bloom in spring, gardeners often vernalize the bulbs before planting.
- The researchers decided to vernalize the seeds to observe their germination rates.
- In order to maximize the yield, farmers must vernalize certain crops during the winter months.
- The laboratory experiment aimed to vernalize various plant species to study their responses to cold.
- Without proper winter conditions, many plants cannot naturally vernalize and will not flower.
- The horticulturist explained how to vernalize the seeds for better results.
- To achieve early blooming, she chose to vernalize her peony seeds in the fridge.
- The process to vernalize the seedlings was crucial for their successful growth.
- Vernalizing the seeds for a few weeks improved their chances of germination.
- It is essential to vernalize certain perennials to ensure they thrive in spring.
- Some gardeners prefer to vernalize their plants indoors during the winter months.
- The technique of vernalizing is often used in commercial agriculture for specific crops.
- To see better flowering in winter annuals, you may need to vernalize them beforehand.
- Understanding how to vernalize can help in planning a successful garden.
- The botanist recommended a method to vernalize the rare species effectively.
- Vernalizing the seeds allowed them to germinate more uniformly.
- Many plants require a period of cold to vernalize before they can bloom.
- The team studied how different temperatures affect the ability to vernalize seeds.
- He was able to vernalize the plants in his garden by simulating winter conditions.
- The florist advised that some flowers should be vernalized to enhance their growth.
- She forgot to vernalize the seeds, which resulted in poor flowering.
- The gardener was pleased to see that his efforts to vernalize paid off with beautiful blooms.
- To prepare for spring planting, it is important to vernalize certain varieties of vegetables.
- Farmers often rely on vernalization techniques to improve crop production.
- The vernalizing process involved placing the seeds in a cold storage environment.
- By vernalizing her seeds, she could start her garden earlier in the season.
- The agricultural experiment focused on the best way to vernalize different crops.
- Vernalizing the plants helped them adapt to the changing climate.
- The greenhouse was set up to vernalize seedlings in controlled conditions.
- Vernalization is a key factor in the life cycle of many flowering plants.
- She learned how to vernalize her plants from an online gardening forum.
- The study concluded that vernalizing certain species can lead to healthier plants.
- To achieve the best results, it is important to vernalize seeds at the right temperature.
- The farmer was excited to vernalize a new variety of wheat he had discovered.
- Vernalizing the seeds resulted in a much higher germination rate than expected.
- He meticulously followed the guidelines to vernalize the delicate flower seeds.
- The botanist demonstrated how to vernalize seeds using a cooling method.
- Knowing when to vernalize is crucial for successful gardening.
- The team worked on a project to vernalize native plant species for restoration efforts.
- Vernalizing can sometimes be achieved through natural winter exposure.
- The workshop included a session on how to vernalize various plants effectively.
- She was amazed at how much vernalizing improved her garden's productivity.
- Some species do not require vernalization, while others depend on it entirely.
- The cold treatment helped to vernalize the seeds for better adaptability.
- He decided to vernalize the seeds by placing them in the snow for a few days.
- The key to successful gardening is knowing when to vernalize your plants.
- They used a freezer to vernalize the seeds for the experiment.
- The horticulture class taught students how to vernalize different types of plants.
- Vernalizing can be a game-changer for many home gardeners.
- She was thrilled to see the results after vernalizing her flower seeds.
- To vernalize effectively, one must understand the specific needs of each plant.
- The farmer's decision to vernalize his crops led to an impressive yield.
- Many gardeners swear by the benefits of vernalizing their seeds each year.
- The vernalization period can vary significantly between plant species.
- He planned to vernalize his annual flowers to ensure they thrive.
- The local nursery offered tips on how to vernalize seeds for early planting.
- The research indicated that vernalizing can significantly affect flowering time.
- She carefully monitored the conditions to vernalize her seedlings.
- The ideal temperature range to vernalize plants typically falls between 32°F and 50°F.
- Vernalizing certain crops can help them adapt to climate change.
- The science of vernalization has opened new doors for agricultural practices.
- To ensure a successful harvest, he always remembers to vernalize his plants.
- The vernalizing process can be done in various ways depending on the species.
- She was surprised to learn that some plants require multiple cycles of vernalization.
- The agricultural extension office provided resources on how to vernalize effectively.
- Vernalization allows plants to synchronize their life cycles with seasonal changes.
- The results from the study showed that vernalizing improved flowering consistency.
- He decided to vernalize the seeds using a method he read about online.
- The horticulturist shared her success story of vernalizing her favorite plants.
- Vernalizing can sometimes lead to earlier blooms than expected.
- She documented her experience of vernalizing different seeds for the blog.
- The workshop emphasized the importance of vernalization in plant biology.
- The team was tasked with figuring out how to vernalize a new strain of roses.
- They discovered that vernalizing affected not only flowering but also fruiting.
- He was eager to learn how to vernalize the seeds for his new garden project.
- The local botanical garden hosted events focused on vernalization techniques.
- After vernalizing, the seeds showed signs of life much quicker than before.
- The climate conditions played a significant role in how well they could vernalize.
- Her success in vernalizing the plants inspired others in her gardening community.
- The vernalization technique was crucial for the survival of the endangered species.
- They aimed to vernalize the plants to align their growth with the seasons.
- The method to vernalize the seeds involved a specific chilling process.
- Understanding how to vernalize can transform a novice gardener into an expert.
- He was delighted to learn how vernalizing could enhance flowering in his garden.
- The team focused on developing a protocol to vernalize seeds more efficiently.
- She explained how the process of vernalizing can vary depending on the type of plant.
- The results showed that the best time to vernalize is during the coldest months.
- Vernalizing was a new concept for many in the gardening workshop.
- The farmer's decision to vernalize his crops greatly improved their resilience.
- She shared her tips on how to vernalize for maximum bloom potential.
- The project aimed to identify the best conditions to vernalize various species.
- Vernalizing the seeds helped them break dormancy and sprout successfully.
- The community garden implemented a vernalization strategy for their plants.
- The scientist published her findings on the effects of vernalizing on flowering.
- To vernalize effectively, understanding each plant's needs is essential.
- The horticulturist described how to vernalize seeds in a workshop.
- Many plants rely on vernalization to trigger their reproductive cycle.
- He was amazed at how well his plants responded after he learned to vernalize them.
- The study revealed that vernalizing can reduce the time to flowering significantly.
- With careful attention, he managed to vernalize the seeds just right for the season.