100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "vibrate"


The verb Vibrate means to move back and forth or to oscillate with a rapid motion. It can refer to the physical movement of an object or the sensation of feeling something resonate or tremble.


  • Oscillate
  • Quiver
  • Shake
  • Tremble
  • Flutter
  • Pulse
  • Resonance


  • Stabilize
  • Steady
  • Calm
  • Halt
  • Rest


  1. The phone will vibrate when you receive a call.
  2. You could feel the ground vibrate during the earthquake.
  3. The speaker began to vibrate as the bass notes intensified.
  4. She could hear the sound waves vibrate through the air.
  5. The bridge started to vibrate with the passing trucks.
  6. His voice seemed to vibrate with emotion.
  7. The string will vibrate when plucked, producing sound.
  8. The dog began to vibrate with excitement when he saw his owner.
  9. The engine began to vibrate as it warmed up.
  10. The wind caused the leaves to vibrate softly.
  11. As the music played, I could feel the bass vibrate in my chest.
  12. The tuning fork will vibrate when struck.
  13. The washing machine will vibrate during the spin cycle.
  14. The energy from the concert made the crowd vibrate with enthusiasm.
  15. The cell phone was set to vibrate mode in the meeting.
  16. The earthquake caused the entire building to vibrate.
  17. His hands began to vibrate with excitement as he opened the gift.
  18. The sound waves vibrate through the medium of water.
  19. She could feel her heart vibrate with joy upon hearing the news.
  20. The guitar strings vibrate beautifully when played correctly.
  21. The machinery vibrated loudly, signaling a malfunction.
  22. The ice in the glass began to vibrate as the music played loudly.
  23. When he spoke, his voice would occasionally vibrate with passion.
  24. The drone’s propellers vibrate as it hovers in the air.
  25. The table started to vibrate as the train passed by.
  26. During the concert, the floor began to vibrate under the crowd's feet.
  27. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket during the lecture.
  28. The violin will vibrate to produce sound when played.
  29. The bell began to vibrate as it rang.
  30. The excitement in the room made the atmosphere vibrate with energy.
  31. The sound system made the entire venue vibrate with music.
  32. The alarm will vibrate to wake you up.
  33. The cat's purring caused its body to vibrate gently.
  34. The pendulum will vibrate back and forth until it comes to rest.
  35. He could feel the bass vibrate through the floorboards.
  36. The old fan made a low sound as it vibrated while running.
  37. The excitement in her voice made her words vibrate with anticipation.
  38. The machinery continued to vibrate even after it was turned off.
  39. The thunder made the windows vibrate in their frames.
  40. The laughter of the children made the air vibrate with joy.
  41. The speaker's voice would vibrate through the hall.
  42. The phone's vibrate function is useful in quiet settings.
  43. The energy of the crowd made the ground vibrate with excitement.
  44. The motorbike's engine started to vibrate as it accelerated.
  45. During the performance, the audience could feel the music vibrate in their bones.
  46. The train wheels vibrate against the tracks as they speed down.
  47. The sound of the fireworks made the air vibrate with energy.
  48. The cellist's bow caused the strings to vibrate melodically.
  49. The bass guitar began to vibrate with the rhythm of the song.
  50. The wind caused the chimes to vibrate and produce sound.
  51. His excitement made his hands vibrate as he spoke.
  52. The subwoofer made the entire room vibrate with bass.
  53. The helicopter's blades vibrated as it took off.
  54. Her heart began to vibrate with fear as she approached the haunted house.
  55. The hummingbird's wings vibrate rapidly while it hovers.
  56. The fireworks display made the night sky vibrate with color and sound.
  57. The old radio would vibrate as it struggled to pick up the signal.
  58. The excitement in the air made everyone vibrate with anticipation.
  59. The machinery will vibrate excessively if not maintained properly.
  60. The concert was so loud that I could feel my body vibrate.
  61. The vibrations from the concert caused the windows to vibrate.
  62. The car's tires made the steering wheel vibrate on the rough road.
  63. The heat made the air vibrate in the distance.
  64. The loudspeaker began to vibrate with the music's bass.
  65. She felt her heart vibrate with every beat as she waited.
  66. The drone's camera shook as it vibrated in the wind.
  67. The resonant sound caused the walls to vibrate slightly.
  68. The electric toothbrush will vibrate to clean your teeth effectively.
  69. The crowd's cheers made the atmosphere vibrate with energy.
  70. The microphone will vibrate if not held steady.
  71. The excitement in the stadium made it vibrate with anticipation.
  72. His voice would vibrate when he was excited.
  73. The old train would vibrate as it rolled down the tracks.
  74. The sound waves vibrated through the water.
  75. The bike's engine began to vibrate as it picked up speed.
  76. The lights began to vibrate as the music got louder.
  77. The tension in the air made her nerves vibrate.
  78. The performers made the stage vibrate with their energy.
  79. The signal made the device vibrate to alert the user.
  80. The sound of the bell made the air vibrate around it.
  81. The thrill of the roller coaster made my stomach vibrate.
  82. The heavy machinery caused the floor to vibrate.
  83. The high frequency made the glass vibrate on the table.
  84. When she laughed, her whole body seemed to vibrate with joy.
  85. The wind caused the tent to vibrate in the storm.
  86. The bass line made the entire club vibrate.
  87. The electric guitar can vibrate with incredible sound.
  88. The vibrations from the music made the wine glasses vibrate.
  89. The sound of the thunder made the windows vibrate in their frames.
  90. The loudspeaker would vibrate when the volume was turned up too high.
  91. The crowd's energy made the air vibrate with excitement.
  92. The resonance from the piano made the room vibrate.
  93. The dance floor began to vibrate with the rhythm of the music.
  94. The sound of the train approaching made the air vibrate.
  95. The excitement of the game made the fans vibrate with energy.
  96. The roller coaster's descent made my stomach vibrate.
  97. The concert caused the entire venue to vibrate with sound.
  98. The speaker's voice would vibrate with authority.
  99. The vibrations from the engine made the car vibrate.
  100. The ambiance of the festival made the entire area vibrate with joy.