100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "vitresce"


Vitresce (verb): To convert into glass or a glass-like substance; to become glassy or to take on a glass-like appearance, typically through heating or melting processes.


  • Glassify
  • Glaze
  • Solidify
  • Fuse
  • Melt


  • Dissolve
  • Decompose
  • Disintegrate
  • Crumble
  • Fragment


  1. The intense heat caused the sand to vitresce, forming beautiful glass sculptures.
  2. In the furnace, the raw materials began to vitresce, transforming into a shimmering liquid.
  3. As the lava cooled, it started to vitresce, creating obsidian.
  4. Scientists studied how certain minerals vitresce under extreme conditions.
  5. The artist watched the molten glass vitresce as it was blown into shape.
  6. Due to the high temperatures, the ceramic pieces began to vitresce unexpectedly.
  7. The experiment aimed to vitresce the sand into usable glass.
  8. Over time, the ancient pottery began to vitresce, losing its original texture.
  9. The process of firing the clay causes it to vitresce, resulting in a glossy finish.
  10. The igneous rock had vitresced due to rapid cooling after a volcanic eruption.
  11. To create stained glass, you must first vitresce the colored materials.
  12. The glassblowers expertly made the material vitresce to achieve the desired clarity.
  13. As the ice melted, it started to vitresce, giving it a crystalline appearance.
  14. The sculptor decided to vitresce the surface of his sculpture for a more polished look.
  15. During the experiment, the metal began to vitresce at temperatures exceeding 1500 degrees.
  16. The heat from the flames caused the quartz to vitresce, forming beautiful patterns.
  17. The ancient Egyptians learned to vitresce glass for decorative purposes.
  18. The artist preferred to vitresce her pieces to enhance their aesthetic appeal.
  19. When heated, the silica sand will vitresce, resulting in a range of glass products.
  20. The chemical reaction helped the mixture to vitresce more easily.
  21. It was fascinating to watch the materials vitresce into something entirely new.
  22. The high-pressure environment made the rock vitresce in unusual ways.
  23. The art of glassmaking often requires the ability to vitresce raw materials efficiently.
  24. As the materials began to vitresce, the workshop filled with an intoxicating aroma.
  25. The discovery of how to vitresce stones changed the craft of jewelry making.
  26. The molten lava began to vitresce as it flowed into the ocean.
  27. The glass was designed to vitresce under specific lighting conditions.
  28. When mixed correctly, the ingredients will vitresce into a durable product.
  29. The intense conditions caused the minerals to vitresce into a beautiful glaze.
  30. The scientist carefully monitored the temperature to ensure the substance would vitresce.
  31. The experiment showed how different materials could vitresce at varying rates.
  32. The ancient technique allowed artisans to vitresce materials without modern tools.
  33. The heat treatment caused the surface to vitresce, making it smooth and reflective.
  34. As the glass cooled, it began to vitresce, solidifying into its final form.
  35. The glassmaker had mastered the art of making his products vitresce perfectly.
  36. The ability to vitresce materials is crucial in modern glass production.
  37. The natural elements combined in the furnace to vitresce into stunning glass art.
  38. The technique used to vitresce the materials was passed down through generations.
  39. The combination of heat and pressure caused the minerals to vitresce in spectacular ways.
  40. The experiment aimed to explore how different compounds could vitresce together.
  41. The glass artist waited patiently for the mixture to vitresce before shaping it.
  42. The ancient ruins revealed how people used to vitresce local resources for tools.
  43. By adjusting the temperature, the materials began to vitresce more effectively.
  44. The new method allowed for a more efficient way to vitresce glass products.
  45. Watching the glass vitresce was a mesmerizing experience for the students.
  46. The artist preferred to vitresce the surface to create depth in her work.
  47. The volcanic eruption caused the surrounding rocks to vitresce rapidly.
  48. The process of heating the materials caused them to vitresce without losing integrity.
  49. The glass was known to vitresce beautifully when exposed to sunlight.
  50. The workshop specialized in techniques that allowed them to vitresce ancient artifacts.
  51. The glassmaker's skill lies in knowing exactly when to let the materials vitresce.
  52. The team focused on how to vitresce different elements to create innovative designs.
  53. The controlled environment enabled the team to vitresce safely and efficiently.
  54. The artist's unique style involved letting the materials vitresce naturally.
  55. As the mixture began to vitresce, the colors became more vibrant.
  56. The project aimed to vitresce local resources into sustainable materials.
  57. The glass pieces were designed to vitresce under specific temperature conditions.
  58. The melting process allowed the materials to vitresce into a clear, shiny surface.
  59. The ancient techniques used to vitresce glass are still admired today.
  60. The experiment illustrated how elements interact to vitresce at different temperatures.
  61. The artist was excited to see her new creation vitresce in the kiln.
  62. By using a blowtorch, the metal could vitresce with a striking finish.
  63. The natural process of the earth caused certain rocks to vitresce over time.
  64. Watching the glass vitresce was a highlight of the glassblowing demonstration.
  65. The ability to vitresce materials efficiently revolutionized the glass industry.
  66. The potters learned to vitresce their clay for a smoother finish.
  67. The fusion of elements caused them to vitresce in unexpected ways.
  68. The heat from the furnace made the glass vitresce beautifully.
  69. The experiment focused on how different temperatures affect the ability to vitresce.
  70. The ancient Egyptians were skilled at making glass vitresce for jewelry.
  71. The glass artist discovered a new method to make her materials vitresce more easily.
  72. The colors in the glass began to vitresce as the temperature rose.
  73. The workshop used traditional methods to vitresce various materials.
  74. The team experimented with various compounds to see how they would vitresce.
  75. The shiny surface indicated that the material had begun to vitresce.
  76. The process of heating allowed the elements to vitresce and bond together.
  77. The artist was thrilled to see how her glass would vitresce in the kiln.
  78. The workshop focused on techniques to help clay vitresce more effectively.
  79. As the heat increased, the sand began to vitresce, transforming into glass.
  80. The process of vitrescing the materials was carefully monitored.
  81. The experiment showed how different elements can vitresce together harmoniously.
  82. The ancient process of glassmaking involved knowing how to vitresce materials.
  83. The glass artist demonstrated how to vitresce the mixture to achieve clarity.
  84. The colors in the molten glass would vitresce into stunning patterns.
  85. The project aimed to explore new ways to vitresce recycled materials.
  86. The artist's vision was to make the glass vitresce with a unique texture.
  87. The materials began to vitresce as the heat reached the optimal level.
  88. The ancient technique allowed them to vitresce glass without modern equipment.
  89. The glassblower watched closely as the material began to vitresce.
  90. The team experimented with different temperatures to see how they would vitresce.
  91. The artist was fascinated by how light could make the glass vitresce.
  92. The melting point was crucial for allowing the materials to vitresce correctly.
  93. The unique colors emerged as the glass began to vitresce in the kiln.
  94. The workshop specialized in techniques that helped the clay vitresce.
  95. The team documented how different minerals could vitresce when heated.
  96. The ancient Egyptians were known for their ability to vitresce glass.
  97. The heat allowed the materials to vitresce, creating beautiful art pieces.
  98. The artist's technique involved letting the glass vitresce naturally over time.
  99. The project highlighted the importance of knowing how to vitresce materials properly.
  100. The glassmaker's skill allowed him to vitresce the components into a masterpiece.