100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "weaken"


The verb weaken means to make or become less strong, powerful, or effective. It can refer to physical strength, emotional resilience, or the effectiveness of an argument or structure.


  • Diminish
  • Reduce
  • Impair
  • Enfeeble
  • Undermine
  • Lessen
  • Decrease
  • Attenuate
  • Lower
  • Abate


  • Strengthen
  • Fortify
  • Enhance
  • Empower
  • Bolster
  • Reinforce
  • Augment
  • Intensify
  • Amplify
  • Support


  1. The constant rain began to weaken the foundation of the building.
  2. Lack of sleep can weaken your immune system.
  3. The argument was designed to weaken the opposition’s position.
  4. She felt that her illness would weaken her resolve.
  5. The new evidence may weaken the case against the defendant.
  6. Overworking can weaken your physical health.
  7. The team's morale started to weaken after consecutive losses.
  8. Poor nutrition can weaken the body’s defenses against disease.
  9. His criticisms were meant to weaken her confidence.
  10. The storm had the potential to weaken the power lines in the area.
  11. Excessive stress can weaken mental health.
  12. The sanctions were intended to weaken the enemy’s economy.
  13. A lack of practice can weaken one's skills in any sport.
  14. The medication can weaken the effects of the vaccine.
  15. The prolonged drought will weaken the crops.
  16. Her injuries will weaken her chances of competing this season.
  17. The debate was intended to weaken his credibility.
  18. The constant criticism seemed to weaken her spirit.
  19. The chemicals in the water can weaken the fish population.
  20. His reluctance to speak up began to weaken his influence in the group.
  21. The unexpected loss may weaken the team's chances in the playoffs.
  22. The new policy will weaken the protections for workers.
  23. Their friendship began to weaken after the argument.
  24. The repeated failures could weaken his determination to try again.
  25. The exposure to harsh conditions will weaken the materials over time.
  26. The negative reviews may weaken the film's box office performance.
  27. The coach's decision may weaken the team's strategy.
  28. Continued exposure to loud noise can weaken hearing ability.
  29. The lack of funding will likely weaken the program significantly.
  30. The scandal could weaken the politician's support among voters.
  31. The training regimen is designed to weaken the competition.
  32. This new evidence might weaken their original claims.
  33. The ongoing conflict could weaken the country's stability.
  34. Over time, neglect can weaken even the strongest relationships.
  35. His resolve began to weaken under pressure.
  36. The financial crisis will weaken the overall economy.
  37. The lack of engagement may weaken the team's performance.
  38. Her illness might weaken her chances of attending the event.
  39. The constant changes in management can weaken employee morale.
  40. The harsh winter may weaken the local wildlife.
  41. The delay in the project could weaken the initial goals.
  42. The new competitor has the potential to weaken our market share.
  43. The strain of the situation began to weaken their friendship.
  44. His age may weaken his ability to perform at his best.
  45. The emotional trauma can weaken one's mental fortitude.
  46. The policy changes aim to weaken the existing regulations.
  47. The lack of communication can weaken the team dynamic.
  48. Prolonged isolation can weaken social skills.
  49. The loss of key players may weaken the team’s performance.
  50. The investigation may weaken the company's reputation.
  51. His reluctance to commit began to weaken their relationship.
  52. The intense scrutiny could weaken the firm's position in the market.
  53. The medication may weaken the side effects of treatment.
  54. The storm's strength could weaken as it moves inland.
  55. Stress can weaken the body's ability to heal.
  56. The constant pressure to perform can weaken an athlete's focus.
  57. The new law aims to weaken monopolistic practices.
  58. The adversary's tactics were designed to weaken public support.
  59. The prolonged absence will surely weaken his influence in the group.
  60. The ongoing feud could weaken the trust between the two families.
  61. The recent events have weakened the community's unity.
  62. The training will not weaken her skills but rather enhance them.
  63. His lack of preparation will only weaken his chances of success.
  64. The years of neglect began to weaken the once-grand structure.
  65. The company's financial troubles may weaken investor confidence.
  66. The repeated failures will not weaken their resolve to succeed.
  67. The physical strain can weaken the muscles over time.
  68. The constant distractions may weaken your concentration.
  69. The effort to weaken the opposition’s strategy was successful.
  70. Natural disasters can weaken infrastructure significantly.
  71. The emotional burden can weaken one’s spirit.
  72. The lack of resources will weaken the effectiveness of the project.
  73. Their decision to split may weaken the overall team dynamic.
  74. The criticism aimed to weaken the opponent’s argument.
  75. Excessive exposure to chemicals can weaken the immune system.
  76. The public's disinterest may weaken the initiative's impact.
  77. The scandal has the potential to weaken the trust in leadership.
  78. The quality of the materials will weaken if not properly maintained.
  79. The unresolved issues could weaken their bond over time.
  80. The team's performance may weaken without proper guidance.
  81. The constant changes in policy will only weaken the organization's mission.
  82. The emotional strain can weaken a person's resilience.
  83. Poor planning could weaken the project's outcome.
  84. The unexpected results may weaken the theory's validity.
  85. The ongoing conflict could weaken international relations.
  86. The lack of interest from the community may weaken the event's success.
  87. The storm's impact could weaken the power grid.
  88. The financial issues will weaken the foundation of the business.
  89. The constant negativity can weaken the motivation of a team.
  90. His frequent absences began to weaken his standing in the group.
  91. The physical toll of the job can weaken one’s health over time.
  92. The recent decision may weaken the company’s competitive edge.
  93. The emotional scars from the experience can weaken one’s trust in others.
  94. The new rules were intended to weaken the opposition’s strategy.
  95. The prolonged exposure to stress can weaken mental health.
  96. The lack of support may weaken her ability to cope.
  97. The intense competition could weaken their market position.
  98. The foundation began to weaken after years of neglect.
  99. The changes in leadership may weaken the organization's direction.
  100. The unexpected events will not weaken their determination to succeed.