List of Verbs Starting with "H"
Here is a list of verbs that start with the letter H:
- Hack
- Hackle
- Haggle
- Hail
- Hall
- Hallow
- Hallucinate
- Halt
- Hamper
- Hand
- Handle
- Handshake
- Hang
- Happen
- Harangue
- Harass
- Harbinger
- Hardship
- Harm
- Harmonize
- Harp
- Harrow
- Harvest
- Hasten
- Hatch
- Hate
- Haul
- Haunt
- Have
- Hawk
- Head
- Heal
- Heap
- Hear
- Hearten
- Heat
- Heave
- Hedge
- Hedged
- Heed
- Heft
- Heir
- Help
- Hesitate
- Hibernate
- Hide
- Highlight
- Hightail
- Hijack
- Hike
- Hinder
- Hinge
- Hint
- Hire
- Hiss
- Hit
- Hitch
- Hoard
- Hoist
- Hold
- Holler
- Homogenize
- Hone
- Hook
- Hoot
- Hop
- Hope
- Horn
- Horrify
- Hound
- House
- Hover
- Howl
- Huddle
- Hug
- Hum
- Humble
- Humiliate
- Hunt
- Hurdle
- Hurl
- Hurry
- Hurt
- Hush
- Hustle
- Hype
- Hypothesize