List of Common Nouns Starting with "V"
Here is a list of common nouns that start with the letter V:
- Vacation
- Vaccination
- Vaccinator
- Vaccine
- Vacuum
- Vagabond
- Vagabondage
- Vagrancy
- Vagrant
- Vague
- Vaguely
- Vagueness
- Vail
- Valance
- Valediction
- Valedictorian
- Valedictory
- Valence
- Valency
- Valentine
- Valet
- Validate
- Validation
- Validator
- Validity
- Valley
- Valor
- Valorization
- Valuable
- Valuation
- Value
- Valve
- Vampire
- Van
- Vanadyl
- Vandal
- Vandalism
- Vane
- Vanguard
- Vanilla
- Vanishing
- Vanity
- Vanquish
- Vanquisher
- Vanquishment
- Vantage
- Variability
- Variable
- Variance
- Variant
- Variation
- Variegation
- Variety
- Varmint
- Varnish
- Varnishing
- Vascular
- Vascularity
- Vase
- Vassal
- Vassalage
- Vast
- Vastness
- Vaudeville
- Vault
- Vaulting
- Vbscript
- Vd
- Vd (Used in Medical Terminology, Referring To Venereal Disease)
- Veal
- Vector
- Vegetable
- Vegetarian
- Vegetarianism
- Vegetation
- Vehicle
- Veil
- Vein
- Veldt
- Vellum
- Velocity
- Velodrome
- Velvet
- Vendor
- Veneer
- Veneration
- Vengeance
- Venison
- Venom
- Vent
- Venti
- Ventilation
- Ventricle
- Ventriloquism
- Venture
- Venue
- Veracity
- Veranda
- Verb
- Verbosity
- Verdict
- Verge
- Verification
- Vermicelli
- Vernacular
- Versatility
- Verse
- Version
- Vertical
- Vertigo
- Verve
- Vessel
- Vest
- Vestige
- Vestment
- Vet
- Veteran
- Veterinarian
- Veto
- Vexation
- Vexer
- Viability
- Viable
- Viaduct
- Vial
- Viands
- Vibe
- Vibrancy
- Vibraphone
- Vibration
- Vibrissae
- Vicar
- Vicarage
- Vicarious
- Vicariousness
- Vice
- Viceroy
- Vicinity
- Viciousness
- Vicissitude
- Victim
- Victimization
- Victor
- Victory
- Video
- Videotape
- View
- Viewer
- Viewpoint
- Vigil
- Vigilance
- Vigilante
- Vignette
- Vigor
- Vilification
- Villa
- Village
- Villager
- Villain
- Vine
- Vinegar
- Vineyard
- Vintage
- Vintner
- Vinyl
- Viola
- Violation
- Violence
- Violent
- Violet
- Violin
- Violinist
- Viper
- Viperine
- Viral
- Virgin
- Virginal
- Virology
- Virtuality
- Virtue
- Virtuoso
- Virus
- Visa
- Viscera
- Viscose
- Viscosity
- Vise
- Visibility
- Vision
- Visionary
- Visit
- Visitor
- Visor
- Vista
- Visual
- Visualization
- Visualizer
- Visuals
- Vital
- Vitalism
- Vitality
- Vitalization
- Vitamin
- Vitrification
- Vitrine
- Vitriol
- Vitro
- Vividness
- Vivo
- Vixen
- Vlas
- Vlasov
- Vleermuis
- Vlees
- Vleesmes
- Vleugel
- Vleugelboog
- Vleugeldier
- Vleugelklap
- Vleugelspeld
- Vlieg
- Vlieger
- Vlies
- Vloei
- Vloeiing
- Vloek
- Vloer
- Vloerbedekking
- Vloerkleed
- Vloeroppervlak
- Vloerplaat
- Vloerzeil
- Vlot
- Vlotter
- Vlys
- Vmc (Vehicle Management Computer)
- Vmp (Vascular Medical Professional)
- Vm (Virtual Machine)
- Vocabulary
- Vocal
- Vocation
- Vodka
- Vogue
- Voice
- Voiceless
- Voicelessness
- Voicemail
- Voicing
- Void
- Vol
- Volar
- Volatility
- Volcanic
- Volcano
- Volcanologist
- Volcanology
- Vole
- Volition
- Volitional
- Volitive
- Volleyball
- Volt
- Volta
- Voltage
- Voltaic
- Volubility
- Voluble
- Volume
- Voluntary
- Volunteer
- Volunteering
- Vomit
- Voracity
- Vortex
- Votary
- Vote
- Voter
- Voting
- Votive
- Vouch
- Voucher
- Vouching
- Vouchsafe
- Vow
- Vowel
- Vowelless
- Vowellessness
- Vowess
- Voyage
- Voyager
- Vp (As in A Specific Abbreviation)
- Vp (Used in Some Technical Or Specific Contexts)
- Vrat
- Vredefort
- Vreeland
- Vring
- Vug
- Vuggy
- Vuggy Rock
- Vulgarity
- Vulgate
- Vulnerability
- Vulpes
- Vulpin
- Vulpine
- Vulture
- Vulture Capital
- Vulture Culture
- Vulture Fund
- Vulture-Like
- Vulture Restaurant
- Vulture's View
- Vuvuzela
- Vying
- Vynal
- Vytal
- Vytality