List of Verbs Starting with "M"
Here is a list of verbs that start with the letter M:
- Macerate
- Machinate
- Machine
- Magnify
- Maintain
- Make
- Malfunction
- Malign
- Malinger
- Mammer
- Manage
- Mandrilize
- Manipulate
- Manscape
- Mantle
- Manufacture
- Mark
- Market
- Maroon
- Marry
- Marsh
- Marshal
- Mascara
- Mash
- Mask
- Mass
- Massage
- Mast
- Master
- Masticate
- Match
- Mate
- Matriculate
- Matter
- Mattify
- Mature
- Maximize
- Mean
- Meander
- Measure
- Mechanize
- Medal
- Mediate
- Meditate
- Medullate
- Medusify
- Meeken
- Megaphone
- Meliorate
- Melt
- Membranize
- Memorandumize
- Memorize
- Menace
- Mend
- Mendicate
- Mensurate
- Mention
- Merge
- Merit
- Mesh
- Mess
- Metabolize
- Metamorphose
- Metastasize
- Metathesize
- Meter
- Mexicanize
- Microdose
- Microfilm
- Micromanage
- Microwave
- Midwife
- Militarize
- Milk
- Mill
- Mime
- Mimic
- Mince
- Mind
- Minify
- Minimize
- Minish
- Mint
- Mirandize
- Misalign
- Misallocate
- Misapply
- Misapprehend
- Misattribute
- Misbehave
- Miscalculate
- Miscarry
- Miscast
- Misdial
- Misdirect
- Misestimate
- Misfile
- Misfire
- Misfit
- Misguide
- Mishandle
- Mishear
- Mishit
- Misidentify
- Misinform
- Misinterpret
- Misjudge
- Mislay
- Mislead
- Mismanage
- Mismark
- Mismatch
- Misname
- Mispaint
- Misplace
- Misprint
- Mispronounce
- Misquote
- Misread
- Misrecord
- Misremember
- Misrepresent
- Miss
- Misshape
- Misspell
- Misspend
- Misstate
- Mistake
- Mistreat
- Mistrust
- Misunderstand
- Misuse
- Mitigate
- Mitralize
- Mix
- Moan
- Mobilize
- Mock
- Model
- Moderate
- Modify
- Moisten
- Moisturize
- Molest
- Mollify
- Molt
- Monetize
- Monger
- Monitor
- Monogram
- Monopolize
- Moo
- Moon
- Moor
- Mop
- Morph
- Mortar
- Mortgage
- Mortify
- Mosaic
- Mothball
- Mother
- Motivate
- Motor
- Mottle
- Mount
- Mountaineer
- Mourn
- Move
- Mow
- Muck
- Muddy
- Mug
- Mulch
- Multiply
- Multithread
- Mumble
- Mummify
- Munch
- Munchkinize
- Murder
- Murmur
- Muscularize
- Muse
- Muster
- Musterbate
- Mutate
- Mute
- Mutilate
- Mutiny
- Mutter
- Muzzle
- Myelinate
- Mythologize