List of Common Nouns Starting with "H"
Here is a list of common nouns that start with the letter H:
- Habanero
- Habbakuk
- Haberdasher
- Habilitation
- Habit
- Habitat
- Habitation
- Habitats
- Habitude
- Hacienda
- Hacks
- Hacksaw
- Hackwork
- Haggard
- Hail
- Hair
- Haircut
- Hairs
- Hake
- Half
- Half-Brother
- Half-Sister
- Halibut
- Hall
- Hallmarks
- Halloween
- Halls
- Hallway
- Halos
- Halt
- Halves
- Ham
- Hamburger
- Hammer
- Hammock
- Hamster
- Hand
- Handbags
- Handball
- Handbooks
- Handcuffs
- Handful
- Handgun
- Handhelds
- Hand-Holding
- Handicap
- Handkerchiefs
- Handle
- Handlebar
- Handles
- Handmaiden
- Handouts
- Handover
- Handprints
- Handrail
- Hands
- Handsaw
- Handsets
- Handshakes
- Handstands
- Hangar
- Hanger
- Hangouts
- Haphazard
- Happening
- Happenstance
- Happiness
- Harald
- Harbor
- Harbour
- Hardboard
- Hardcover
- Hardening
- Hard-Hat
- Hardhat
- Hards
- Hardship
- Hardware
- Hare
- Hark
- Harlot
- Harm
- Harmonica
- Harmonies
- Harmonise
- Harmonize
- Harmony
- Harp
- Harpooner
- Harps
- Harpsichord
- Harvest
- Harvester
- Harvests
- Hash
- Hashtag
- Hassock
- Haste
- Hat
- Hatbox
- Hatches
- Hatchet
- Hatchling
- Hate
- Hatred
- Hats
- Haunt
- Haven
- Haversack
- Haves
- Havoc
- Hawk
- Hay
- Hazards
- Haze
- Hazel
- Hazelnut
- Hazes
- Hazy
- Head
- Headache
- Headband
- Headboard
- Headcount
- Headdress
- Headgear
- Headlamp
- Headlight
- Headline
- Headlock
- Headphones
- Headquarters
- Headrest
- Headroom
- Headset
- Headspace
- Headstart
- Headstone
- Headstream
- Headwaters
- Headway
- Headwind
- Health
- Health-Care
- Heap
- Hearing
- Hearsay
- Heart
- Heartache
- Heartbeat
- Hearth
- Hearthside
- Hearthstone
- Hearts
- Heart-Throb
- Heartwood
- Heat
- Heater
- Heating
- Heaven
- Heavy
- Hectare
- Hectic
- Hectogram
- Hectoliter
- Hectolitre
- Hectometer
- Hectopascal
- Hectowatt
- Hectowatt-Hour
- Hedge
- Hedgehog
- Hedgerow
- Hedges
- Heel
- Hegemony
- Heifer
- Height
- Heir
- Heirloom
- Heist
- Helical
- Helicoid
- Helicon
- Heliconia
- Helicopter
- Helio
- Heliochrome
- Helioform
- Heliomancer
- Helios
- Helioscope
- Heliosphere
- Heliotherapy
- Heliotherm
- Heliotrope
- Heliotropism
- Helipad
- Heliport
- Helis
- Helium
- Helix
- Hell
- Hella
- Hellcat
- Hellenism
- Hellenist
- Hellespont
- Hellfire
- Hellhole
- Hellhound
- Hellion
- Hello
- Hells
- Hellspawn
- Helmet
- Helmeted
- Helminth
- Helminthology
- Helmsman
- Helo
- Helot
- Helotism
- Help
- Helper
- Helpless
- Helplessness
- Helpmate
- Helter
- Hem
- Hemisphere
- Hemlock
- Hemoglobin
- Hemorrhage
- Hemostasis
- Hemp
- Hen
- Henchman
- Hendecane
- Henge
- Henhouse
- Henpeck
- Henpecking
- Henware
- Hepatitis
- Heptagon
- Heptathlon
- Herald
- Heraldic
- Heraldry
- Herb
- Herbage
- Herbarium
- Herbicide
- Herbivore
- Herbs
- Herd
- Hereafter
- Hereditary
- Heritage
- Hermit
- Hero
- Heroes
- Heroine
- Heroism
- Heron
- Heronry
- Herring
- Hesitation
- Hesperidium
- Hestitation
- Heteroaromatic
- Heteroatom
- Heterocyclic
- Heterocyst
- Heterodoxy
- Heterodyne
- Heteroecious
- Heterogeneity
- Heteronormativity
- Heteronym
- Heterophylly
- Heterophyte
- Heteroploidy
- Heteropolar
- Heteroptera
- Heteroscedasticity
- Heterosexual
- Heterosexuality
- Heterotroph
- Heterozygosity
- Heterozygote
- Hexadecimal
- Hexagon
- Hexapod
- Hexasaccharide
- Hexes
- Heyday
- Hiatus
- Hibernation
- Hiccough
- Hiccup
- Hide
- Hierarchy
- Hieroglyph
- Hi-Fi
- High
- Highland
- Highlight
- Highlighter
- Highlights
- High-Rise
- Highway
- Hijab
- Hijack
- Hike
- Hiker
- Hikes
- Hiking
- Hilarity
- Hill
- Hilt
- Hindrance
- Hinge
- Hint
- Hip
- Hippo
- Hippodrome
- Hippopotamus
- Hips
- Hiragana
- Hire
- Hiring
- Hispano
- Hiss
- Historian
- Historic
- History
- Histrionics
- Hit
- Hitch
- Hitches
- Hitman
- Hitting
- Hive
- Hjem
- Hjemland
- Hjemmeside
- Hjerte
- Hjul
- Hla
- Hleb
- Hlekk
- Hli
- Hlo
- Hm
- Hmms
- Hoard
- Hoarding
- Hoax
- Hoaxer
- Hobbies
- Hobbit
- Hobby
- Hobbyist
- Hobo
- Hock
- Hockey
- Hodge
- Hodgepodge
- Hoe
- Hoed
- Hoedown
- Hog
- Hogging
- Hogs
- Hogsback
- Hoist
- Hold
- Holdback
- Holder
- Hole
- Holiday
- Holism
- Holistic
- Holler
- Hollow
- Holloway
- Hologram
- Holograph
- Holographic
- Holographist
- Holography
- Holotype
- Holster
- Homage
- Home
- Homebody
- Homebrew
- Homecoming
- Homefront
- Homeland
- Homeopathy
- Homeostasis
- Homeownership
- Homer
- Homeroom
- Homeschool
- Homestead
- Homesteading
- Homesteads
- Homestretch
- Hometown
- Homeward
- Homework
- Homewrecker
- Homicide
- Homily
- Homing
- Homogenate
- Homogeneity
- Homonym
- Homosapien
- Homosexual
- Homosexuality
- Homunculus
- Hone
- Honesty
- Honey
- Honeybee
- Honeybun
- Honeycomb
- Honeydew
- Honeysuckle
- Honor
- Honoree
- Hooch
- Hood
- Hoodie
- Hoodlum
- Hoodoo
- Hoods
- Hooey
- Hoof
- Hook
- Hookup
- Hookworm
- Hoopla
- Hoops
- Hoopsie
- Hoor
- Hoorah
- Hooray
- Hooroo
- Hoot
- Hooten
- Hootenanny
- Hooters
- Hooting
- Hoots
- Hop
- Hope
- Hopper
- Hoppy
- Hops
- Hopscotch
- Horde
- Horizon
- Hormonal
- Hormone
- Horn
- Hornet
- Horoscope
- Horror
- Horse
- Horseback
- Horsehair
- Horseman
- Horsemen
- Horseplay
- Horsepower
- Horseradish
- Horseshoe
- Horsewoman
- Horst
- Horticulture
- Hose
- Hosiery
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Hospitalisation
- Hospitality
- Hospitalization
- Host
- Hostage
- Hostel
- Hostess
- Hostility
- Hotbed
- Hotcake
- Hotdog
- Hotel
- Hothead
- Hothouse
- Hotness
- Hotshot
- Hotwire
- Hound
- Hounder
- Hounds
- Houndstooth
- Hour
- Hourglass
- House
- Houseboat
- Housecat
- Household
- Housekeeper
- Houseplant
- Houses
- Housewarming
- Housewife
- Housework
- Housing
- Hovel
- Hover
- Hovercraft
- Howard
- Howdy
- Howitzer
- Howl
- Howler
- Hows
- Hrab
- Hrabber
- Hrabdomancer
- Hrabdomancy
- Hrag
- Hral
- Hrallet
- Hran
- Hraner
- Hrap
- Hras
- Hrasher
- Hrat
- Hre
- Hrist
- Hrit
- Hron
- Hry
- Hrya
- Hsiao (A Type of Chinese Dish)
- Hsien (A Historical Term)
- Ht
- Ht (As in Height)
- Hub
- Hubcap
- Hubris
- Huddle
- Huddled
- Huddler
- Huddles
- Huddle-Up
- Hue
- Hug
- Hugger
- Hugs
- Huipil
- Hula
- Hula-Hoop
- Hula Skirt
- Hull
- Hullabaloo
- Human
- Humanitarian
- Humanity
- Humanoid
- Humble
- Humblebee
- Humdinger
- Humdrum
- Humerus
- Humid
- Humidity
- Humiliation
- Humm
- Hummable
- Hummer
- Hummified
- Hummify
- Humming
- Hummingbird
- Hummock
- Hummocky
- Hummus
- Humor
- Humorist
- Humorous
- Humors
- Humour
- Hump
- Humpback
- Humpday
- Humpers
- Humpies
- Humping
- Humps
- Hums
- Humus
- Hunch
- Hunchback
- Hunched
- Hunches
- Hundred
- Hunger
- Hunk
- Hunker
- Hunkered
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunting
- Hunts
- Huntsman
- Hurd
- Hurdle
- Hurdler
- Hurdles
- Hurdling
- Hurl
- Hurrah
- Hurricane
- Hurry
- Hurt
- Husband
- Hush
- Hushed
- Hushes
- Hush-Hush
- Hushpuppies
- Hushpuppy
- Hustle
- Hut
- Hutch
- Huts
- Huzzah
- Hwa
- Hwae
- Hwael
- Hwaey
- Hwarang
- Hwas
- Hway
- Hwe
- Hwere
- Hwew
- Hyacinth
- Hyaline
- Hyaloplasm
- Hyaluronan
- Hyaluronic
- Hyaluronidase
- Hybrid
- Hybridisation
- Hybridity
- Hybridization
- Hydrangea
- Hydrant
- Hydraulics
- Hydrocarb
- Hydrocarbon
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydrofoil
- Hydrogel
- Hydrogen
- Hydrographic
- Hydrology
- Hydrolyse
- Hydrolysis
- Hydrolyze
- Hydrometeorology
- Hydrophobia
- Hydroplaning
- Hydroponics
- Hydropower
- Hydrostatics
- Hydrotherapy
- Hydroxyl
- Hyena
- Hygiene
- Hygienic
- Hymn
- Hymnal
- Hymnbook
- Hyoid
- Hype
- Hyperabduction
- Hyperactivity
- Hyperadrenia
- Hyperandrogenism
- Hyperbaric
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Hyperbola
- Hyperbole
- Hypercalcemia
- Hypercapnia
- Hyperchylomicronemia
- Hypercortisolism
- Hyperdulia
- Hyperemia
- Hyperendocrinism
- Hyperesthesia
- Hyperextension
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperhidrosis
- Hyperinsulinemia
- Hyperinsulinism
- Hyperkalemia
- Hyperkinesis
- Hyperlink
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypermarket
- Hypermesis
- Hypermnesia
- Hypernatremia
- Hyperopia
- Hyperopic
- Hyperosmia
- Hyperosmolarity
- Hyperostosis
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hyperphosphatemia
- Hyperplasia
- Hyperprolactinemia
- Hyperproliferation
- Hypersecretion
- Hypertension
- Hypertensive
- Hyperthermia
- Hyperthermic
- Hyperthermophile
- Hyperthymesia
- Hyperthymic
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypertransaminasemia
- Hypertrichosis
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Hypertrophic
- Hypertrophy
- Hyperuricemia
- Hyperventilation
- Hypervitaminosis
- Hypervolemia
- Hyphen
- Hyphenation
- Hypnosis
- Hypnotism
- Hypnotist
- Hypochondria
- Hypodermis
- Hypoglossal
- Hypoglossia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypokalemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hyponatremia
- Hypoplasia
- Hyposensitivity
- Hyposensitization
- Hypospadias
- Hyposulfite
- Hypotension
- Hypothalamus
- Hypothermia
- Hypothesis
- Hypothetical
- Hypoxanthine
- Hypoxemia
- Hypsilophodon
- Hysterectomy
- Hystereosis
- Hysteresis
- Hysteria
- Hysterical
- Hysterosalpingography
- Hysteroscopy