List of Verbs Starting with "S"
Here is a list of verbs that start with the letter S:
- Sabotage
- Safeguard
- Sail
- Salivate
- Salt
- Salve
- Sanctify
- Sanitise
- Sashay
- Satisfy
- Save
- Say
- Scald
- Scale
- Scam
- Scamper
- Scan
- Scar
- Scatter
- Scavenge
- Scent
- Schedule
- Scintillate
- Scold
- Scorch
- Scorn
- Scramble
- Scrape
- Scratch
- Scream
- Screen
- Scribe
- Scrimp
- Scrutinize
- Scuffle
- Sear
- Seek
- Seem
- Seethe
- Seize
- Sell
- Send
- Sense
- Separate
- Sequester
- Serve
- Set
- Settle
- Sever
- Shape
- Share
- Shatter
- Shed
- Shield
- Shimmer
- Shine
- Shoot
- Shop
- Shorten
- Shove
- Shovel
- Shred
- Shriek
- Shrink
- Shroud
- Shrug
- Shuck
- Shudder
- Shuffle
- Shush
- Shut
- Sidestep
- Sigh
- Sign
- Simmer
- Simulate
- Sing
- Sink
- Sit
- Skate
- Skeet
- Sketch
- Slake
- Slam
- Slant
- Slather
- Slay
- Sling
- Slink
- Slither
- Slog
- Slosh
- Slouch
- Slump
- Slur
- Slurp
- Smack
- Smarten
- Smash
- Smear
- Smell
- Smile
- Smirk
- Smite
- Smolder
- Smother
- Smuggle
- Snap
- Snare
- Snatch
- Sneak
- Sneer
- Sneeze
- Snicker
- Sniff
- Snip
- Snipe
- Snore
- Snub
- Snuggle
- Soak
- Soar
- Sob
- Soften
- Solder
- Solicit
- Solidify
- Solve
- Somber
- Soothe
- Spade
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Speak
- Spear
- Speed
- Spell
- Spend
- Spill
- Spin
- Spit
- Splash
- Splice
- Splinter
- Split
- Splurge
- Spoil
- Spook
- Spool
- Spot
- Spout
- Sprawl
- Spring
- Spur
- Spurn
- Sputter
- Squabble
- Squall
- Squander
- Squash
- Squawk
- Squeeze
- Squelch
- Squint
- Squirm
- Squirt
- Stabilize
- Stagger
- Stain
- Stalk
- Stare
- Start
- Stash
- Stave
- Steal
- Stealth
- Steep
- Steer
- Stiffen
- Stifle
- Stimulate
- Stink
- Stint
- Stipple
- Stipulate
- Stir
- Stomp
- Stoop
- Stop
- Store
- Stow
- Strain
- Strangle
- Strap
- Stray
- Streak
- Stream
- Strengthen
- Stretch
- Strew
- Strike
- Strip
- Strive
- Stroke
- Struggle
- Strum
- Study
- Stumble
- Stun
- Stymie
- Subdue
- Subjugate
- Submerge
- Submit
- Subside
- Substantiate
- Succeed
- Succumb
- Suffer
- Suggest
- Suit
- Summon
- Sun
- Supercharge
- Superimpose
- Supersede
- Supervise
- Supplant
- Supplicate
- Suppress
- Surfeit
- Surge
- Surmise
- Surpass
- Surveil
- Survey
- Survive
- Suspend
- Swaddle
- Swank
- Swarm
- Swathe
- Sway
- Swear
- Sweep
- Swell
- Swerve
- Swig
- Swim
- Swindle
- Swing
- Swirl
- Swish
- Switch
- Swivel
- Swoon
- Swoop
- Swoosh
- Synchronize
- Synergize
- Synthesize