List of Verbs Starting with "C"
Here is a list of verbs that start with the letter C:
- Cabal
- Cabalize
- Cable
- Cabob
- Cache
- Cackle
- Cacuminate
- Caddy
- Cadge
- Cadger
- Cage
- Cajole
- Cake
- Calamistrate
- Calcify
- Calcimine
- Calcinate
- Calcine
- Calcitrate
- Calculate
- Calefy
- Calendar
- Calibrate
- Calk
- Call
- Calm
- Calumniate
- Calve
- Camp
- Campaign
- Can
- Cancel
- Candy
- Cane
- Canoe
- Canonize
- Canoodle
- Canter
- Cantillate
- Cap
- Caparison
- Caper
- Capias
- Capitalize
- Capitulate
- Caponize
- Capote
- Capriole
- Capsize
- Captain
- Caption
- Captivate
- Capture
- Caramelize
- Caravanned
- Carbonate
- Carburize
- Carcass
- Card
- Care
- Career
- Caress
- Caretake
- Caricature
- Carillonne
- Carjack
- Carminative
- Carnify
- Carol
- Carom
- Carouse
- Carpellate
- Carriage
- Carry
- Cart
- Cartelize
- Cartoon
- Carve
- Cascade
- Case
- Cash
- Cashier
- Cast
- Castigate
- Castrate
- Catabolize
- Catalog
- Catalogue
- Catalyze
- Catapult
- Cataract
- Catcall
- Catch
- Catechize
- Categorize
- Catenate
- Cater
- Catheterize
- Cathodize
- Catnap
- Cauterize
- Cavort
- Caw
- Cease
- Cedar
- Cede
- Celebrate
- Celerate
- Cement
- Cense
- Center
- Centralize
- Centre
- Centuplicate
- Cerebrate
- Certify
- Chafe
- Chaff
- Chaffer
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalk
- Challenge
- Chamber
- Champion
- Chance
- Change
- Channel
- Chant
- Chaperon
- Char
- Character
- Characterize
- Charbroil
- Charge
- Chariot
- Charismatize
- Charitize
- Charm
- Chart
- Charter
- Chase
- Chasse
- Chasten
- Chastise
- Chat
- Chatter
- Chauffeur
- Cheapen
- Cheat
- Check
- Checker
- Checkmate
- Checkrow
- Cheek
- Cheer
- Cheese
- Chequer
- Cherish
- Chew
- Chicane
- Chide
- Chiffonade
- Chigoe
- Child
- Chime
- Chink
- Chip
- Chirp
- Chirrup
- Chisel
- Chit
- Chitchat
- Chitter
- Chivaree
- Chivy
- Chloridize
- Chlorinate
- Chock
- Choice
- Choke
- Chomp
- Choose
- Chop
- Choreograph
- Chortle
- Chouse
- Chow
- Chrestomathize
- Christen
- Christianize
- Chronicle
- Chronologize
- Chrysalid
- Chuck
- Chuckle
- Chug
- Chum
- Chunder
- Chunk
- Church
- Churn
- Churr
- Chute
- Chutney
- Chyle
- Chyme
- Ciceronize
- Cincture
- Cipher
- Circulate
- Circumambulate
- Circumcise
- Circumduct
- Circumflect
- Circumfuse
- Circumgyrate
- Circumjaculate
- Circumlocute
- Circumnavigate
- Circumrotate
- Circumscribe
- Circumstantiate
- Circumvallate
- Circumvent
- Citify
- Civilize
- Clabber
- Clack
- Claim
- Clam
- Clamber
- Clamour
- Clamp
- Clang
- Clank
- Clap
- Clapperclaw
- Clarify
- Clart
- Clash
- Clasp
- Class
- Classify
- Clatter
- Claw
- Clean
- Cleanse
- Clear
- Cleave
- Cleft
- Clem
- Clench
- Clere
- Clerk
- Click
- Climb
- Clinch
- Cling
- Clink
- Clip
- Cloak
- Clock
- Clod
- Cloke
- Clomp
- Clone
- Close
- Closet
- Clot
- Cloth
- Clothe
- Cloud
- Clout
- Clove
- Clown
- Cluck
- Clue
- Clump
- Clunk
- Cluster
- Clutch
- Coach
- Coal
- Coalesce
- Coapt
- Coarctate
- Coast
- Coat
- Coax
- Cobble
- Coc
- Cocainize
- Cocoon
- Code
- Codify
- Coerce
- Coexist
- Cogitate
- Cohabit
- Cohere
- Coin
- Coincide
- Collaborate
- Collapse
- Collate
- Collect
- Collide
- Collocate
- Colonize
- Color
- Comb
- Combat
- Combine
- Comfort
- Command
- Commence
- Commend
- Comment
- Commercialize
- Commingle
- Commission
- Commit
- Communicate
- Commute
- Compact
- Compare
- Compartmentalize
- Compel
- Compensate
- Compete
- Compile
- Complain
- Complete
- Compliment
- Comply
- Compose
- Compound
- Comprehend
- Compress
- Compromise
- Compute
- Conceal
- Concede
- Conceive
- Concentrate
- Conceptualize
- Conciliate
- Conclude
- Concoct
- Concord
- Concrete
- Condemn
- Condense
- Condition
- Conduct
- Confer
- Confess
- Confide
- Configure
- Confirm
- Confiscate
- Conflate
- Conform
- Confound
- Confront
- Confuse
- Congratulate
- Congregate
- Conjecture
- Conjoin
- Conjugate
- Conjure
- Connect
- Conquer
- Consecrate
- Consent
- Conserve
- Consider
- Consign
- Consist
- Console
- Consolidate
- Conspire
- Constitute
- Construct
- Consult
- Consume
- Contact
- Contain
- Contemplate
- Contend
- Contest
- Continue
- Contract
- Contradict
- Contrast
- Contribute
- Contrive
- Control
- Convene
- Converge
- Converse
- Convert
- Convey
- Convict
- Convince
- Convoke
- Cool
- Cooperate
- Coordinate
- Cop
- Cope
- Copy
- Copyright
- Coral
- Cord
- Core
- Cork
- Corner
- Correct
- Correlate
- Correspond
- Corroborate
- Corrode
- Corrupt
- Cost
- Cough
- Counsel
- Count
- Counter
- Counteract
- Counterbalance
- Countermand
- Counterpoint
- Countervail
- Couple
- Court
- Cover
- Covet
- Cower
- Crack
- Crackle
- Craft
- Crave
- Crawl
- Creak
- Cream
- Create
- Credit
- Creep
- Cremate
- Crest
- Criticize
- Croak
- Crochet
- Crop
- Cross
- Crouch
- Crowd
- Crown
- Crucify
- Cruise
- Crumple
- Crush
- Cry
- Crystallize
- Cull
- Culminate
- Cultivate
- Culvert
- Cup
- Curb
- Curdle
- Cure
- Curette
- Curl
- Current
- Curse
- Curtail
- Curve
- Custodize
- Customize
- Cut